Friday, October 31, 2008

Passing On of A Good Acquaintance in my Riding Circle

Last Sunday evening 26/10/2008, I received a SMS saying that fellow HOG member Kaiser whom I affectionately addressed as Emperor has passed on. I was shocked as he is of a young age (49). Anyway, that's life and I had known him since the day he started riding his (7777) ultra classic to pick up his then girlfriend Farida at B/147 Tampines which I was also staying at that time. Later, they moved out to Loyang Valley and we still met regularly either on HOG events or across M'sia rides. He was also an active member of The HeadHunters and known as Houdini because of his appearing & disappearing acts.
The funeral procession to Mandai Crematorium was yesterday (31/10/2008 Friday), with so many fellow Head Hunters coming across from M'sia besides our local HOG & other groups joing in. Fellow rider Tom Chandler was again the pastor for another HOG. The procession to Mandai Crematorium from S'pore Casket was a huge queue of Harley m/cycles besides some others.
As when everything was over, we headed to his home at Loyang Valley and reminisced the good old days with lots of food and drinks. I met his 2 other brothers & sister, his family wife Farida, son Simon & daughter Asheley besides the wife's family members whom I know since the days at B/147 Tampines Ave 5.
And a last minute dash to Church for All Saints' Day!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Educational Rides

HOG Singapore organised a ride to 2 places locally on 26th Oct 2008. The first was to the Bedok New Water Centre (the only centre amongst the many for visitors and guided tours). Well, it was something that all Singpaorean can be really proud of. You should know how we are being threatened with the water supply by our neighbouring country. Now the table is turned on them. Their excess water which is a money-making natural commodity is now flowing into open seas instead of properly channelling for our usage. As the saying, when chased to the wall, even the frightened dog will fight back... haha.
Next we had a hearty sumptuous lunch at a Muslim Restaurant before hitting our next point of visit..., to the AirForce Museum. I am surprised by the way our AirForce started with 2 borrowed Cessna to what it is today, a formidable well- trained AirForce with state of art aircrafts, manpower, weapons, etc. I supposed this is another part where any patriotic Singaporean must be proud of. The situation a neighbour behaves has really made us sit up and take proactive actions to be a peace loving small country. We do not have a choice, I believe, watching how a neighbour reacts.
After that, it was free & easy so JoKiNg (me), SanChuan, Fong, Dod, Andrew Fletcher & partner rode to Changi V and have beers!
Then I realised that's a Sunday and Mass to attend so I excused myself to spend some time with The Almighty.