Sunday, August 10, 2008

jurong west sports & recreation centre

L to R : Pang Jiamin, JoKiNg, Pang Jiating, Jessebelle Lim Jiajia, Pang Jiaxin (pretty young ladies)
The convoy riding past the VIPs and crowds on the stands!

The evergreen................ JoKiNg with National Colours in balloons !
This was being requested by the school I am with to have a convoy to help celebrate the National Day Observance Ceremony. It was a last minute thing and gladly.... with much appreciations, the following riders supported me eventhough the meeting time was on a Sunday 3rd August 2008 at an unusual early hours......., 7.30 am (wow).
I had Jess Ley (heritage softail), Jimmy Ho (fatboy), Hashim (roadking), Sabar & daughter(roadking), Dod Sng (sportster), Andrew (rocker), Hashim's fellow Independent member (apologies name forgotten - sportster), Salleh Ridhwan (night train) and me (roadking) to grace the occasion. It was a happy scene with us entering the new stadium tarmac and the crowds really roared to see us riding in. Gives all riders a sense of feelings that 'if I have to explain, you will never understand'
The bikes were fully decorated with white and red balloons (national day flag colours) and after the event, I even rode home with the balloons. A cruising police patrol car with the officers gave me a fright but they encouraged me with their thumbs up and along the way home, many Sunday outing vehicles slowed down to take pictures of me...., well ! What a blessed me !

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