Thursday, January 3, 2013

a bastard of a person

this morning, a bastard parent who parked his little rundown kia car right infront of a pedestrian crossing and alight his child (very normal). he then proceeded to talk on his handphone as if the road belongs to him for almost 15 minutes. when too many other parents pointed him out which he openly ignored, i walked over to him and POLITELY requested that he drives somewhere else to do his talking and another person from behind me told him that we could take picture of his car and let LTA takes action and i repeated that, "yes, people can do that but i am here trying to persuade you to go elsewhere". later he went to office to see someone higher up and said i am rude, and using threats on him. instead of telling the bastard off that he is inconveniencing many others...., i was reprimanded for doing a job which i am employed to do (really pissed off....), now who is the cause of my unhappiness with poor judgement of a good job done? i am not bothered by the bastard driver but here lies a very significant poor judgement of a leader for an action which is for the common good of many! singapore will fail if we have too many of these kind of people in leadership position!

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