Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Annual Rock to Rock

R2R this year was a very personal ride for me with a friend. We had our fun at HRC S'pore on Friday evening (20/7) where for $10.00 as member of HOG, we got to enjoy the starters which is more than enough to fill me up. I also contributed to the CCF for a golden ribbon clip.
The following morning we started early eventhough the previous night at HRC ended with a long ride until early morning. I did had a 2 hours of sleep before heading out to KL with Mustang. The ride was fast and furious, we had our fills along the route and got separated in KL by a dividing wall that looms up suddenly but both managed to reach Concorde Hotel with minimum fuss. We are more than early and we met our long time trusted buddy Phil who entertained us at Spices for brunch.
The joy of seeing long time fellow riders in KL, catching the good old pioneering times as Harley owners were always great feelings. The 7 piece band at HRC KL was fantastic. The crowd is something we can't have in S'pore. CrossRoads was also as great with so many bands taking turns to entertain us. We even squeezed time to visit Petaling, Saturday evening Mass at St John's, Bukit Nenas. As usual, being the 2 of us, we ventured more than just only KL centre itself.
Always fun to have similar fun-seekers like Mustang and Phil around!

1 comment:

Melvyn D'Oliveiro said...

yea buddy. the adventurous spirit rides on....